Hoorahs and happy dancing! Today is the one year anniversary of the beginning of this blog! It would be a couple months before the idea for my
365 Days of Creative project would sprout and grow a life of it's own, but a year ago today, I mustered up my courage to begin this journey. I set the stage for good things to come into my creative life. I set the stage for
this day and the experience that came with it.
mixed media art journal spread: acrylic, ink & scrap paper |
I celebrated this day in the most joyful and affirming way possible,
art journaling with Orly Avineri. It was my first time joining the group and I'm hooked! Surrounded by creative spirits, drenched in inspiration and encouragement, and guided by a wise and gifted teacher, my classmates and I art journaled together. We worked as a group, yet very much for ourselves.
The art I created today met a deep need to let go of the end product and revel in the process. It was born from the contributions of others. I not only mixed my media, but also the ideas of the artists around me. I released any plans and expectations and allowed my instincts (and my neighbors) to guide me. Shared materials, suggested techniques,
snippets of overheard conversation, challenging prompts to keep me creating feverishly without my usual mental blocks- they all made their way into my art.
"always circling back to my truest self"
(from a prompt to include paper circles) |
Now that I sit alone reflecting on my process, I find a bit of new meaning on the pages that touches my soul. One year after taking the initial leap to share more of myself with the world, I find I am "always circling back to my truest self." I am right back where I started,
an absolute beginner seeking meaning. And I am
so O.K. with that!
I have so much more to process, so much more to reflect upon. But I feel compelled to let the art speak for itself today, to allow it to be what it is, just another beginning- ideas still forming, excitement building, wide open possibility.
"I was born needing to create with a vulnerable heart"
(two snippets of conversation woven together) |
This marks a turning point for me; an unexpected and welcome bend in the path I have been traveling. The experience has stirred something honest and real in me that has been struggling to make itself known.
I feel as if Orly has gently taken hold of my chin, turned it toward my art journal and said, "Look. This has been here all along. Now it is time to put
yourself into it."
And so I open wide my heart and the pages of my journal, and give way to the unfolding.
Thank you, Orly.
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